Update regarding Before & After School 2025 – 2026 Wait List Registration

Parent Zoom Night Kindergarten here I come

As families are registering their young children for kindergarten, they start to look for Before and After School care.

At this time we won’t have a registration opening likely until some time in February, HOWEVER we advise all families to check our web site home page frequently as we will post a pre-announcement of the Registration Opening Date and Time here first. (We aren’t always able to inform our emailing list in time, so please don’t count on that method alone.)

We will post more program information and confirm care times and new rates at that same date.

You can learn more information about our excellent program from the current school year registration page (although you shouldn’t register for that), and from our Parent Handbook (subject to updates).

NOTE TO CURRENTLY ATTENDING AND WAIT LISTED FAMILIES: You will need to re-register for each school year as we do not carry forward from the prior school year. We do prioritize placement for currently attending children and their new siblings during a brief pre-registration period. We will announce registration details to those families by email.

As there has been limited space available for child care programs across Ontario since COVID, due to a number of reasons, we DO advise ALL families to review alternative options for care, just in case we are unable to accommodate all who apply.


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