ELCC Toddler / Preschool Wait Listers – Check Your Email!


We have sent an email out to all of the families with a toddler/preschool wait list pre-registration asking to help us by confirming (or requesting removal) from our Wait List (which has grown exponentially). This will help us to drop those families that have found alternate care during their wait and expedite offers of care as space comes available for September placements.

As we don’t anticipate any space availability until our pre-schoolers graduate to kindergarten in September, we have automatically removed any child from our wait list who would be eligible to attend kindergarten in September 2024.

After February 11th we will be dropping any from our wait list who did not use the form link in their email to confirm their registration needs. (If you have filled the re-confirmation form and received a confirmation email then you can safely ignore this post as we have captured your request.)

As email sometimes goes to family’s Spam folders, and you know you are on our Wait List, please check your email or spam folder for our notification.

You can check the current status of your wait list registration by visiting your Family Registration page. If you do not see your pre-registration there, then you would need to register using our online registration form located here: https://www.campwaterdown.com/programming/wdcc-home/wdcc-toddler-preschool-wait-list-registration-form/

Please refrain from calling or emailing our Centre  to confirm your registration or to ask your place on the wait list. With our prioritization protocol – detailed in our Parent Handbook –  and so many new families on our wait list with changing needs, we are not able to offer an accurate estimate of a placement date.  Most families will remain on the wait list for 1 – 2+ years for an offer of space, if their child is still of ELCC age.  If you have any questions or concerns about your registration, please reach out to info@campwaterdown.com


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